I am always in the habit of pressing things on people (say friends n family).
It may be irritating .... but so it is!!
But am I always Right?
That can't be..... Rite??
Still I press it on ....
Try with full force to make people accept my line of thinking....
Try hard ... harder .... till I realize ITS ENUF !!
Sometimes I think I may b wrong....
But I try hard ..don't get enuf reasons to support it....
There iz a simple reason for it,
I never claim I am always right...
But wont believe I am wrong until U prove it !!
** The secret is Revealed:
*Rakesh wont stop by ur protests ... U need to prove him wrong !!!
Tough Job ahead ..so go on ...go on .... till u r breathless ................................................
U will die in suffocation soon........